PO Box 21982 | Waco, Texas 76702
(254) 613-6454 support@vinceretech.com

Track & Time

Tired of looking through paper & pencil sign-in sheets for service documentation?

Have you been looking for an affordable user-friendly solution to track intervention time with your students that runs on any device?

Track & Time© is

  • an IEP documentation support tool that will provide accurate reports to make your IEP documentation stress-free.
  • convenient and time-saving for your special ed. and inclusion teachers.
  • a way of keeping record of time and activities/subjects for each student.

Using Track & Time©, students will be checked in and checked out as they receive services. Professionals can then generate quick and useful reports based on this data. At the click of a mouse, you can produce multiple reports including a daily log, student history, hourly statistics, a date range status, and time needed – allowing personnel to ensure individualized education program requirements are met.

Track & Time© is hosted by Creative Learning by Design, which means there is no software for you to install, no backups for you to run, no updates or version changes for you to keep up with, and no hassles! 

HOW IT WORKS – Track & Time© operates from the URL address https://tracktime.cldtexas.org. The Campus Administrator can add and edit students, run reports, and log students on and off. The Lab Staff user will be accessed by students to log themselves on and off using an easy Stop and Go screen.

Download Track & Time User Guide

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Minimum System Requirements: *We strongly recommend using Google Chrome as the browser to run Track & Time. Learn how to Browse Happy!
* An active internet connection (preferably broad-band; dial-up will be very slow) * Disable all pop-up blocking features (in Windows and any others, such as Google, Yahoo, etc) * Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other PDF-compatible software (for viewing reports) * If your district utilizes any web caching servers, set the web caching to ignore our IP address